If you are looking for a safe and effective way to alleviate your cat's medical symptoms, try CBD oil for cats. This alternative medicine has proven extremely effective in alleviating various conditions and is especially helpful for pets with arthritic conditions, cancer, epilepsy and several other afflictions. There are two ways to use CBD for cats. One way is through a dietary supplement and another method is through a topical application. For more details in relation to CBD oil for cats, then click here.
The primary substance that makes up CBD oil for cats is cannabidiol, a unique element extracted from a variety of cannabis plants. As with humans, the body metabolizes CBD into a substance that inhibits certain physical and mental responses. When a person suffers from anxiety or stress, his body produces an enzyme, neuro-transmitter or hormone known as GABA. This substance prevents the brain from receiving impulses or information. In a way, it can be said that it makes the brain less able to cope with anxiety and stressful situations.
When a person feels anxiety or stress, he may reach for a bottle of caffeine-based products or pharmaceutical medications, like Advil or Tylenol to help ease his symptoms. While these medications may relieve some symptoms, they do not have the long-term efficacy that many people desire. For this reason, a great number of cat owners have been turning to natural supplements in order to treat symptoms of anxiety and other disorders. For example, Catuaba Bark is a special formulation created especially for felines. Made from the roots and bark of a tree in Brazil, it contains a host of unique ingredients including CBD oil for cats.
CBD for cats can also be obtained via the topical application of an oil made from the same CBD plant from which it is produced. The "Hemp Coat" product from Hymes Inc. is one example of such a formula. This all-natural, non-toxic oil consists of CBD, an anti-anxiety ingredient; hemp seed, an immune system booster; and other plant extracts, including Hyoscyamus, Arsen iod, and Tuberculinum. All of these ingredients work together to help alleviate symptoms of depression and reduce the incidence of hyperactive behavior in pets. Even more importantly, they all contribute to improved overall health and well-being.
In addition to providing pets with a calming effect, CBD oil for cats has other benefits as well. It can help pets become less destructive when young and prevents them from becoming aggressive or anxious as they age. This quality makes it excellent for elderly or physically handicapped cats as well. It may even promote a sense of well-being in kittens and young cats as well. Therefore, if you believe that your pet needs help or wants to improve his or her quality of life, you should consider adding this all-natural, safe substance to his or her diet.
As with all dietary supplements, there are potential side effects to consider. However, as with any supplement or medication, including prescription drugs, it is important to carefully read and follow the manufacturer's directions. It is especially important to avoid any oil safe for cats if you are pregnant or nursing, or taking other medications. If you suspect your pet may be suffering from any type of side effect, contact your veterinarian immediately. For more info relating to this topic, view here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabidiol#Veterinary_Medicine.